Winter Term, 2012.

If you have read my posts from last year, you probably remember how winter term was a really rough time in terms of academics. Despite…

Not an Empty Promise

The New Year is the best time to reflect on the many challenges and successes you had throughout 2011. But more importantly, it’s the perfect…

Welcoming 2012!

Welcoming 2012! First thing first, happy new year! It’s hard to believe that my first college semester is over and done with! My first college…

1/8 DONE. Just 7/8 Left…

DONE. First semester of college is finally over! I never thought that I would get into college; so finishing the first semester is such an…

What's Up, 2012?

What’s Up, 2012? Bill Vaughn once said, “An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make…

Closer To Your Dreams- Paris

I love movies- I’ve been a film connoisseur since my earliest memories. I remember watching the Lion King and commenting on the director’s techniques in…

Advice To College Counselors

The role of the college counselor during a student's college process is one of extreme importance. I can honestly say that I probably would not…

Little things add up

It’s incredible how quickly the little things add up—it seems like I am always in need of another textbook or more school supplies. The CSO…