leah-85The New Year is the best time to reflect on the many challenges and successes you had throughout 2011. But more importantly, it’s the perfect time to set new goals so that 2012 ends up being your year. So take out a piece of paper and really think about how you become successful in 2012.

On New Year’s Eve, I was in Times Square! As chaotic as it was, I really enjoyed being with my sisters and a million other people as the year ended. It was amazing that at the turn of 2012, I clearly saw what was important to me. Let me give you a brief review on how 2011 treated me. In a word, 2011 was abusive. I was abused mentally, emotionally and physically.

I was overwhelmed with stress and personal problems. The Myth of the Many-headed Hydra is a clear comparison to my problems. Every time I tried to cut off one head (fix a problem), two grew in its place (two more problems would pop up). Old friends became strangers. Family issues became more intense. Balancing everything became impossible. As a result, I lost my fighting spirit and I became very ill. Yet, I wasn’t completely broken.

I decided before finals week that I was going to be stronger and made that my key New Year resolution. The problem was that I really had no idea how or where to get started. Should I lift? Should I listen to Kanye West’s track repeatedly? Should I train myself to be immune to pain? I had no clue. But, as my sisters and I held our New Year’s resolution talk on the train showed me that I was already doing my New Year’s resolution.

I was faced with challenges and I was learning new lessons and that meant I was becoming stronger. I learned that I can endure much more than I could ever imagine. I learned that everything that was happening was good for me. It was making me transform. Somehow anything that escaped my mouth was inspiring to others. Somewhere along the road things didn’t bother me as much as they used to. I was becoming stronger and I’m still moving forward. This New Year’s resolution will not be an empty promise!