lauren-85Happy New Year!!! I cannot believe it is 2012 already! 2011 flew by, especially my first semester of college. My first semester of college went well. I made the dean’s list and joined student government and other organizations. 2011 was amazing but I can feel that 2012 will be even better.  To ensure that 2012 would be better, I found myself on New Year’s Eve brainstorming resolutions to live by for the next 12 months and beyond. After much thought, I arrived at three simple resolutions.

Be More Optimistic

The last semester resulted in many triumphs but I also had a few low points throughout the semester. I found myself becoming pessimistic because of the type of people I was around. I plan to speak positively and to associate with positive people and engage in positive activities.


Also, I would like to keep a journal.  With all the changes and experiences I am having in college, I need a way to record them! Also, my journal can act as an outlet for my thoughts and emotions.

Continue To Grow

Most importantly, I want to continue to grow in 2012. I want to continue to excel and grow academically. I want to be grow more confident and sure in my abilities. I want to grow in my relationships with God, my family, and friends. I just want to continue to flourish and succeed in 2012!