by ADaja, Washington University in St. Louis, '22
Although my first year wasn’t as smooth sailing as I would have hoped, I find that I’ve made a lot of memories and met a lot of people that I will never forget. It also doesn’t hurt that I’m able look back on the past 8-9 months without the...
by Santiago Montoya, Brandeis University , '19
This is the last one. My dad said “Take a look at it one more time, you won’t come back.” It has been less than a week, but I am still shocked at the thought that I’m just not coming back to Brandeis. I have to remind myself that I am done. It has been a long journey...
by Andrea Haerther, University of Houston, '19
As the semester draws to a close, I am very proud that despite how slow going it has felt, I’m almost done. A change in major has caused me to be a second year junior which was disappointing initially, but I feel a lot better doing something more closely related...