by Padah Vang, Colorado College, '19
“Padah, you just need to ask for help,” my friend told me. Yes, I need help. But as a fourth year student, I still do not know how to ask for help. I was sitting in class when my professor was talking about a CC Alumni’s research on sense of belonging at Colorado...
by Harley Suter, Georgian Court University
Time management is something that many of us college students face daily. Often times I’ve gotten so busy throughout the week and my mind has slipped on an assignment I was supposed to do, or I remember last minute and it doesn’t allow me to put 100% effort into my...
by Brianna Gavin, University of Dayton, '21
As a sophomore, I’m placed in a precarious position. I am not the “new” or the “fresh”. I am not the exciting because there are new kids in town to replace our spots as first-year students. I am now in the position of being a part of the...
by Padah Vang, Colorado College, '19
Fly-in programs are great for students to learn about and visit colleges that they are interested in. When I was a senior in high school, Colorado College flew my dad and me in, and because of that experience, I committed to it. Last school year, I worked on creating...