Finding Friends

College is a time where friends can either make or break the entire experience. It’s true that being first-generation can really make that even harder than the average student, because it’s not easy to explain some of the things you have to experience and...

The Capitalism of Mental Health

What do mental wellness and well-being mean? From the World Health Organization, they defined as “…a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully,...

Here to fight.

I am in a war and on many battlefields. Who am I fighting against? What am I fighting for? How am I going to fight? Why am I fighting? These are the questions that I consistently ask myself yet, I still do not know the answers. However, there is one answer that I...

A Break before the Storm

As the world crumbled below my feet, collapsing into itself and swallowing me whole, I grasped for fragments who I was. Name? Raquel, I think. I was born in Fremont, I think. Or was it Alameda? Age? The beach trip I took to celebrate my 20 years last March. Scattered...

Not all who goes have a place to return to.

Not all who goes have a place to return to. Maybe that is what makes the holidays such a bitter-sweet time. At the end of the semester, trimester, or block plan, everyone is rushing to get off campus. Most of our friends and peers are excited to return home and to be...

A real take on choosing a major

I had a flashback today, back to last year: my sophomore year. It happened as I was looking at classes for next semester for pre-registration that’s coming up for Whitman. My major is geology-environmental studies. Ever since my first semester freshman year, I...