That One Magic Letter!

Hi Everyone! Lately there’s been a commercial running on t.v. about high school seniors opening college acceptance letters and it has sparked me to recollect on my acceptance letter experience! When I opened my acceptance letter I was standing next to my mom,...

Beat the Heat: Summer Plans 2013

So what are your plans this summer? Enjoying the weather? Getting a job? Traveling? Landing that internship? Well, whatever your plans are, make sure to enjoy what you are doing and put your interests first! As for me, I will be interning at the United Nations for a...

Thriving Amidst Difficulty: How to Become Academically Resilient

This article was originally written for, now a part of Thinking back, I can pinpoint the moment I realized math and I didn’t get along. I was in kindergarten and became frustrated with a counting task. It was at this...

I Held My Breath for 4 Months and Survived

It’s pretty probable that nearly everyone remembers where they were at and what they were doing when they were accepted into college. Some were hanging out with friends. Others may have been lounging at home. I was at work in a small hometown restaurant,...

Gasp! I'm a senior!

My school likes to kick us out as soon as finals are over. Finals consisted of looking at slides while  throwing clothes into a box and frantically looking up storage hours. Here is a hint to all of you: Do not put all your books in one box. Because who is going to be...