Happy (belated) New Year everyone!!! I am so excited for this new semester/year!

Normally I don’t do resolutions because they are easily broken. However, this year I am determined to stick to my goals.  My goal is to get all A’s this semester, try to get involved in at least one club, and focus more on studying. I am dedicated to maintaining my GPA this semester. I want to focus on making more time to study, last semester I feel that I did not get to really focus on the material because I was too busy worrying about memorizing things for tests.

I want to be involved in two clubs, one that pertains to my major and one for personal interest. But for my Spring semester I want to be involved in at least one. I have been debating joining this semester though as I am unsure if I have a handle in all of my academics to make that extra time.
I am hoping this year is even better than the last one!

Until next time,
