Mentors & Magicians

If they wanted to fly, they flew. If they wanted to disappear, they disappeared. I wasn’t just their mentor; I was their magician. This past summer, I had the opportunity to mentor 8-11 year olds in a special effects filmmaking workshop in Charlottesville, VA. I...

Mentors and Building Relationships – The Key to Success

The most influential mentor I have had was a teacher in high school who taught courses ranging from hospitality and tourism to entrepreneurship. The way his class worked was extremely hands on, so instead of a bulk of lecture type classes, we focused on real world...

The Two Most Important Things

The two most important things that will happen in your career are finding your passion, and finding an already accomplished figure in your field to shape your career after. I remember when I found my passion. I quietly sat in the back of an overpriced taxi when my...

BYOFB-Build your own fan club

College is a trying, and sometimes trifling time. It is a period of remarkable personal growth. It’s kind of like a second puberty now that I think about it—minus the awkward disproportionate physical growth. College is a period, pun intended, when you should get...

The Places You'll Go- Much, Much Further with a Mentor

Mentor, mentee- I’ve been both, and I honestly couldn’t say from which role I’ve learned the most from. Mentors have been guiding me since high school, and the scholastic trajectory they set me on led me to where I have set root to thrive- college. As a...


Something that I struggled the most with as a first year was the feeling that I was not enough. Not smart enough, not articulate enough, not assertive enough to be able to stand toe to toe with my peers. I’m from straight hood and these girls were from a world of...