Meet, connect, reach out and build a support network!

Meet, connect, reach out and build a support network! One of the things I will take away from my undergrad experience is the importance of building a support system. I remember feeling very lost and disconnected my first year of college. It felt like no one understood...

“So, what has been your favorite college experience thus far?”

I was crushing the interview, articulating my answers better than I had expected. I talked all about my hometown, my majors, my summer jobs and internships, my involvements in classes, and my future career aspirations. But then one seemingly simple question completely...

Love Letters to Colleges

It’s constantly said that colleges look more than just your grades, which is often true. There’s many factors that come into play as you’re applying to your future institution and one of my favorites is: letters of recommendation.  Yeah, I know...

Advice on Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are a vital component of an application given that they reflect on the kind of person you are from the perspective of another. Therefore, it is very important to establish relationships with the people in your life who can accurately shine a...

Online Education Revolution

Recently, technology has been coming under heavy fire for breeding the “millennial” – always on their phone checking Snap-this or Face-that, too heavily involved with social media to go out and actually be social. The internet is by far the most effective means of...

Strong Support Network

If you’ve ever had a mentor or have been a mentor yourself, odds are that you were able to get some sort of benefit from the experience. In some of my past blog post, I mentioned a program that I became a part of during my first year in college. As a member of the...