by Andrea Haerther, University of Houston, '19
College can be such a great place of opportunities. Almost everyone I’d talked to while in high school said that college was the best time of their lives and that they wish they could go back. While I agree that college is great time, I never thought the...
by Xavier Husser, Boston College, '18
The very first book freshman year of high school I was required to read was Sean Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens which overall was supposed to help me balance the social and academic side of high school. One of the main themes that stayed with me from...
by Alexa Rodriguez, Wellesley College , '17
For me, it’s Rocky Balboa’s blaring theme song that rouses me from states of melancholy. It’s Steve Prefontaine’s audacious spirit. These are my role models, people’s whose quotes I have taped in front of my desk. I need all the motivation I can get to make my way...
by Adriana Gonzalez, Pomona College
Approaching fast is the infamous March drain of motivation and enthusiasm across college campuses. There is a tangible difference in the tone of my friends’ statuses online that range from directed frustrations to pleas for the break to come sooner. The phrase...
by Brenda Angulo, Trinity Washington University , '17
Have you ever seen life as being this journey in which you educate yourself in order to educate or help others? If so, what a great start! When I was younger I remember wanting to be a lot of things. I wanted to be a pediatrician, a veterinarian, a writer, a singer, a...
by Padah Vang, Colorado College, '19
During the month of December 2016, I tried to go ice skating at least once a week. On the ice, was where I found the sense of carelessness yet awareness, and freedom. One day, after an ice skating session, I saw a poster about Speed Skating Club, a club new to...