For me, it’s Rocky Balboa’s blaring theme song that rouses me from states of melancholy. It’s Steve Prefontaine’s audacious spirit. These are my role models, people’s whose quotes I have taped in front of my desk. I need all the motivation I can get to make my way through this spring semester.

School is rough, tough and relentless, so we need to find motivation from wherever we can get it. For me, that means watching and listening to motivational videos or finding inspiration from quotes. Take time to think about what keeps you going, and use it to get you through the painfully busy times.

As we approach into March and April, you are being bombarded with assignments, good news, bad news and everything in between. It can be more than a little overwhelming, so make time to ground yourself and remind yourself of what keeps you going. As first-generation students, we have a share of adversity that we have to contend with; we are forcibly carving a mark in our little worlds. We’re pioneering into the unknown, pioneering is difficult and scary, but also brave in every sense of the world. You’re not alone in your journey though. Surround yourself with motivating people and factors to fan the fire that keeps you going.