A New Perspective

As this is my third year in college, I was thinking about the expectations I’d had versus the reality. College is definitely different than I had pictured it to be. I had pictured going out lot with friends, being very active in clubs, and just being able to...

"Friends" v. Friends

Coming back to campus felt surreal, perhaps still yet. When you turn into a junior, like me, the campus starts to get smaller, not in the literal sense. I mean that my group of friends reduces, but that does not mean it is a bad thing, the complete opposite. This...

Long Nights, Early Mornings

What is the point of senior year. My friend asked me that the other day. It’s the kind of question you ask out of misery, not the kind you want to someone to answer. The ritual of graduation is supposed to end this academic roller coaster (with the many dips, points...

Summer Reflection and Experiences

My junior year at the University of Houston is off to a memorable begging already. This summer I was finally able to find two organizations that could help me gain some experience doing nutrition related work. In thinking about what I want to do after I graduate, I...

Bittersweet Goodbye.

A couple of months have gone by and I am here I am, writing one last blog! As of May 20th, 2017, I, Brenda Angulo, graduated from Trinity Washington University with a degree in Psychology and minor in Education. It only seemed fair to share with you guys a little bit...

After a Reflective Summer, New Academic Challenges are Accepted

This summer ended up being one of the most productive summers I have had in years (actually they have all been productive in some way for the past few years). Fall is looming and I am expected to return to campus early next week. But focusing on the summer of 2017, I...