Ace the Interview: Preparation Advice

Get your resumes ready – recruiting season is in full swing. Whether you’re an underclassmen looking for that first internship, or graduating senior hoping to land a full time job, preparing for applications and interviews can be a struggle. So, what is the best...

An Application Can Be a Headache: Plan, Take Action, Be Proactive

The semester has been able to turn on a more positive outlook. I feel every semester that you are going to have of college, a part of you always matures. Think of yourself being a plant or a tree that only grows and grows—your branches, leaves, roots, so much rooting...

I am here, both frightened and empowered.

“I am both frightened and empowered (as the few students of color on campus)” N.G.*, a first year student, shared to the prospective students in the room. And I thought to myself, wow, that is also me. At this predominantly white institution, I am frighten as a...

College Fears (Halloween Edition)

One thing that was kind of good about being the first in my family to apply to college was that I didn’t have many fears when I started applying to colleges my senior year of high school. I knew that people from my high school usually received more than enough...

A real take on choosing a major

I had a flashback today, back to last year: my sophomore year. It happened as I was looking at classes for next semester for pre-registration that’s coming up for Whitman. My major is geology-environmental studies. Ever since my first semester freshman year, I...

Fall is Here!

My favorite time of the year is finally here! Fall is without a doubt the best season. I can finally break out my dusty sweaters and go the whole day without sweating in the humid heat of Houston. Of course, with that comes the closing of the semester and all the...