More Money, More Problems

Going to college means gaining a lot of independence, this includes gaining financial independence. This can be a major change, especially coming from a home where most of your finances are handled by your parents. What has helped me make the transition is utilizing...

Love, Health, and Intentionality!

The celebration of love seems to always be on a specific day in February. However, we should celebrate love every day! Love is in mostly everything we do. From the mundane things to the pivotal moments in our lives, love enhances our experiences. So, take a moment to...

Undergraduate Research

As a first-generation student, finding opportunities to advance in your career can be a daunting task. For me, I really wanted to get involved in research and see if my interest in learning and psychology applied to conducting research. Here is my journey, ways I...

Getting Back Into The Groove of Things

It’s the beginning of a new semester! For some of us, this isn’t our first time going in to a new semester, and for others it is! No matter if you’re new or returning, getting back into the groove of the new semester can be a difficult transition. I...

Summer Planning Starts Now

Summer is the best time for any student because you get a break from school and time to yourself to do whatever it is you want. In college, summer is a time to build off of what you have been doing in school. Summer should be a productive time where you apply yourself...

New Semester & Student Resources!

Hey! It is time for a new semester and a fresh start! Whether last semester didn’t go as planned, academically, or if you knocked it out of the park, you get to start fresh! Give yourself grace. You are doing a great job! Something I want to share with you is...