At the end of the semester, we get stressed. Between finals and final projects, it can become a lot all of a sudden. One week it feels like you’ve got so long left, and the next you realize everything is coming to an end really soon. During this time, lots of assignments, final projects, and exams come up. This can definitely lead to a lot of stress. There are ways to deal with this, though! Taking time to schedule out what you’re going to work on or study is a huge help. Also, taking time for yourself. Take breaks between assignments and studying to prevent yourself from overworking and exhausting yourself. If you find it hard to get started on or getting through your work, find little ways to reward yourself for getting it done! A key factor in all of this is to not overwork yourself and to stay on top of your work. It can be hard to want to do your work, especially with such nice weather coming around, but staying on top of it all will make it so your work doesn’t pile up and make you even more overwhelmed when you sit down to do it. I understand it can get hard and overwhelming, but you’ve got this! I hope this helps some of you, even if just a little bit!