Summers: Then and Now

This past summer, I spent it at PayPal working as a Full Stack Software Engineering Intern. It was a tough learning experience as I was thrown into a new world but I am overall grateful for the experience. This internship was very technical and it allowed me to build...

How Internships Are Classist

There’s a terrible underbelly to the practice of internships that transcends the anxiety of finding an opportunity that leads to a ‘productive’ summer; and it plagues low income students disproportionally. This past spring semester, I felt frantic with worry over how...

New Year, Last Year!

Wow! I woke up this morning with the buzz of senior year in my ears. The last 3 years swished and tumbled by. This past summer, I had time to reflect on a couple nagging worries that snagged my excitement for this year. The first worry was about my schedule after...

Fly-in Opportunities

Fly-in programs are great for students to learn about and visit colleges that they are interested in. When I was a senior in high school, Colorado College flew my dad and me in, and because of that experience, I committed to it. Last school year, I worked on creating...

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

It is that time again – the academic year is upon us! I am fortunately beginning my second year of college and cannot wait to get back into an academic routine. Being a First Generation college student, time management in college was new to me and I didn’t...

First College Summer

This summer was my first coming out of college. I had so many new experiences and friends under my belt… how could I go home?? Well I decided that I wasn’t. I went back and forth for months trying to figure out if I could go back to living under my parents...