by Anitra Griffin, University of North Carolina Ashville, '21
The end of the semester is a fun yet stressful time. We all know the stress of finals, having to pack up and figure out when you are going on, your standings in your courses, where you will be spending the break from school, and etc. However, not many people know of...
by Megan Cooke, Whitman College, '19
It’s hard to imagine graduation the first year of college but it really swoops in. Now that I only have one semester left of my college career, all the questions are getting kicked up: what are you plans? have you locked down a job? will you move back home?...
by Megan Cooke, Whitman College, '19
Hello readers, These past two months were a whirl wind like any other month at college.. but from Thanksgiving break to Winter, there was only a two week gap then finals! Honestly, it feels like November and December were mushed together into one long exhausting...
by Santiago Montoya, Brandeis University , '19
The last month of the year is usually filled with final projects, essays, and other deadlines. This year, I had a final until the 20th of December and after I got home, I just felt completely exhausted. The days up until Christmas, I have spent them doing nothing but...