After a summer of working and playing with me new nephew, it is time to go back to college. As I return to campus I think of all the fun that this year will bring. I am looking forward to all my classes and my new roommate. I cannot wait to see my friends! I think of...
Is it here yet??
As I have previously mentioned, I applied late and that only made the waiting game worse. I had to hear all about my friends getting their letters in while I still hadn't heard anything. I tried to hide my anxiety by working more, but it didn't help. Everyday before...
Big Brother
Growing up there was always that one person who was with me through everything and that was my big brother. When it came to me growing up and going to college that did not change. My brother was there every step of the way. He helped me sort through all the...
The Big V — The College Visit
College visits can be exciting, nervewracking , scary, and crazy all at the same time, and it is not one of those things that gets easier with time. Before your visit, contact your admissions counselor and discuss what you specifically want to see and ask about other...
THE Interview
I didn't have any in-person interviews.. all the schools I applied to were too far away. But I did have some over the phone interviews and here are a few tips: Don't Stress: I know how important an interview is, but if you start to get stressed and worried, not only...
FAFSA– What a form!
As we all know the FAFSA is a very important form, and to be honest the thought of filling it out terrified me. I know it is silly to be intimidated by a form, but I was. This was my first true step to independence and I was so afraid to fill it out. As I waited to...
New Year's College Resolution
First off, I hope everyone had a great holiday. Now that it is time for school again, it means it is time for me to get back to work. Last semester I really didn’t know what to expect, so I treated it like it was still high school. That was a bad move and by the time...
Don't Judge a College by The Pamphlet
I’m sure you have heard this before but don’t rule out a college by the price, but there are other things that I want to point out that you should or should not judge a school by. 1. Size-- I know many people do base their college searches on sizes of the school; but...
Pick Me, Pick Me!!
As I see the colors of the leaves change and hear the chit chat of the tours through the hallway I realize it is a critical time for high school seniors, so I have some advice for you. If you have heard it, good. You are more likely to remember it. And for everyone...
Hello Reality…Goodbye Fantasy
All the packing and shopping had paid off; it was move-in day. I was officially a college student! I had everything packed strategically in the car. My brother asked, “Is this all going to fit?” I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. Being the first in my family to...