ashley-85As we all know the FAFSA is a very important form, and to be honest the thought of filling it out terrified me. I know it is silly to be intimidated by a form, but I was. This was my first true step to independence and I was so afraid to fill it out. As I waited to get my taxes back the fear of the FAFSA built up inside of me. Finally the day came when I was going to fill it out. I had no idea what I was going to do. Like always I was a special case. The FAFSA was to be filled out in all my information since I was a warden of the state. And like usual this proved to be rather difficult. But luckily I had wonderful help. My aunt was a tax pro so she helped when she could and then I had a wonderful woman, an admissions counselor at another school to which I had applied to, basically on call if I needed help. So I sat down at my computer, taxes in hand and I went to work on this really long form. There was some tough parts to it but I asked about them and got it all figured out. I finished my FAFSA and all had gone well. No sweat.

Now it is time for me to tackle the big bad FAFSA again and I think back to how scared I was. Yes, parts of it were a little confusing and I am sure I will need help again this year, but it is just a silly little form no matter how important it may be.

I want you all to remember this. And please ask for help, that is what admissions counselors are for! There are many people out there who are willing to help you just have to ask! Good Luck!