ashley-85I didn’t have any in-person interviews.. all the schools I applied to were too far away. But I did have some over the phone interviews and here are a few tips:

Don’t Stress: I know how important an interview is, but if you start to get stressed and worried, not only will it show in your interview, but it will also have a negative effect on your interview.  So don’t worry- it will go fantastic. Just believe in yourself.

Be honest: No matter what you might think the interviewer wants to hear, be honest. You will gain respect for that. And truthfully the interviewer just wants you to be you.

Don’t try to figure out what the questions will be: When you start trying to figure it out you think of the hardest questions possible and that was never the case, at least for me. The questions will always be different and sometimes there will be questions that surprise you. There is no reason to be psyching yourself out.

No answer is a wrong answer: Normally in an interview they are trying to get a better sense of who you are, it is not a quiz of the knowledge you have.

When you send out your applications, whether it is in the mail or online you will feel relieved, but shortly after you will most likely start to get anxious. Some of your friends might get their response back before you do. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do but wait. A tip: send everything off as early as you can, that way you may get the response earlier. :]