ashley-85College visits can be exciting, nervewracking , scary, and crazy all at the same time, and it is not one of those things that gets easier with time.

Before your visit, contact your admissions counselor and discuss what you specifically want to see and ask about other unique features the campus offers. You can do either visit days or do an individual visit. I did both and personally prefer the individual visit, but I think it is good to experience both. Your admissions counselor can provide you with dates for visit days.

While you are there: ask questions, talk to students, visit the library, and, if you can, visit a class. Some schools also provide overnight stays, which I never did but would also suggest. If you play a sport or instrument I would also suggest visiting a game or concert. 

I would also suggest exploring the town or city in which the school resides — that way you know what you will and will not have if you go there.

Remember, this is just as much a first impression for the school as it is for you, but enjoy your tour. You will know when you find the perfect school for you.