At this time of the year, everyone is running around. It feels as if the only thing holding us together is winter break. I remember being a senior, finishing up my applications and still carrying the weight of college-related stress. It all becomes very overwhelming.

Seniors, you’re in the homestretch. If you haven’t heard it, I’m proud of you. Chin up, you’re doing your best! You’ve got applications and academic stress all while trying to get the most out of your senior year, it is tough! However, these moments do not last forever. It will all begin to settle soon. During this period, it is crucial to be mindful of how your time is being spent. Yes, make sure you’re sorting through the last things needed for college but also set time apart to rest. As the winter break comes up, it is the perfect time to be intentional with yourself and your loved ones. You’ve managed to make it through the process that is applying for college. Now, give yourself a pat on the back! Your sanity matters. Do some things that make you feel at ease.

Although the anxiety in December may be high, your ability to pull through is higher. I believe in you! As the year ends, remember that you will be ready for what’s next. In the meantime, relax and enjoy the winter break. You’re close to finishing high school and you will finish strong!