Finals week is coming up for many of us, and so that means we’re all stressing out over our assignments. Many of us are wondering on how we can feel a little less stressed, and i’m here to give out some suggestions!

My first suggestion is to take things slow. Write out what you need to get done, and organize/color code/etc. them by what you need to get done first, and from there organize by what’s necessary to do next. Organizing by what’s necessary is a good way to feel like you’re being productive while not necessarily getting work done.

Another suggestion is to reward yourself! Make yourself warm drinks while you work! I like to reward myself by drinking a nice hot drink while I am doing my work. I’ll have a snack while I work, and when I finish a problem or complete an assignment i’ll have a piece/bite of my snack! Sometimes positive reinforcement is a really helpful method, especially when we’re stressed out.

Remember to take breaks. While we like to think we can sit down and work for hours straight (and sometimes we can!), it doesn’t always work and we’ll end up spending more time messing around thinking about how we can work for hours on end rather than actually working for hours on end. The longer you work for, the less energy you have. It’ll lead you to doing work you won’t be as proud of.

Ask your professors for help when you need it! They’re likely more than willing to help you out and guide you in the right direction, that’s what they’re there for!

It’s hard at first, but we’ll all get through this! Break is just right around the corner, finals are now, and I hope these tips can be put to use!