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Personal Growth, Discovering Yourself.

Have you discovered that this journey we call life is all about learning experiences? Have you noticed that each day we learn a new thing about life or about ourselves? But, have you gotten to the point where you have discovered yourself? This Spring semester (‘16)...

No stress = Success

The end is near for my Junior year here in college. You’d think that I’d be some sort of veteran to the whole ceremony of midterm season. And I guess in some ways I am. I learn and take everything by stride. I’m an expert in the art of calming down. I mean, if you...

Overcoming Intern-al Inadequacy

With spring fast approaching comes the last few weeks of the semester – crazy! After a few months of classes, I think we can all agree that a break is necessary and well deserved. So how do you plan to spend your time away from the books? Sleeping in, maybe picking up...

Tips on Understanding a College Financial Aid Letter

You’ll be receiving financial aid award letters soon. With that, you want to make sure you understand as much as possible before you select which school you want to attend. Here’s an article by Nerd Wallet with tips in how to understand your financial...

March Madness

Hey all, I hope the year finds you well. I am two weeks away from completing my second term(Winter Term) at Dartmouth College. My course load this term was intense and I found myself pulling several all nighters in order to maximize my studying and tasks that I got...