by Irvin Gomez, Dartmouth College , '13
If you are in college, it is that time of the year when you start thinking about what you are going to do with your summer. In my case, being in the quarter system, I am thinking about what I am going to do during my spring semester. There are many applications to...
by Alexis Montes, University of Rochester, '15
Surely, most current high school seniors are lacking finger-nails right about now. In less than a month, admissions decisions from hundreds of colleges around the country and around the world will be delivered into mailboxes. I remember this time last year too...
by Madison Zollner, Missouri University of Science and Technology , '15
Looking back a year ago, I was one big stressed out mess – so I understand what you guys are going through. Essay after essay, resume after resume, research after research, while still having homework and work and a social life!?! What gives? Oh the joys of being a...
by Rodney Savannah, University of Southern California, '15
I remember when I got my acceptance letter in the mail. It was a big envelope with “The University of Southern California” on the front. I was so excited. I ripped it open and saw the word “congratulations” and I couldn’t stop smiling....
by Jenny Luong, Amherst College, '14
Now that everyone’s gotten the applications over with, I bet you’d like to relax. Well, don’t. Not yet anyway. There’s something else…FINANCIAL AID! DUN DUN DUN. Truth is, even though you may get into the school of your choice, or even...