First week of classes are done and one of my many missions is complete! I can’t believe that just a few days ago, I went from a graduated high school student to becoming a full-time college student. Just two weeks ago my journey began with orientation week. That’s right, a week of information sessions, fun events, social gatherings, traditions and more! Some of my favorite events was meeting new people either by having dinner with my hall-mates, attending our traditional candlelight ceremony, volunteering with my peers or even just walking to Chipotle to get some delicious burritos! Although orientation week was filled with events and was a way to settle us in, there are still events going on throughout the year that I am excited about. My first week of classes went smooth and was a bit overwhelming. However, thanks to my college, I am able to cool off and relax with some events they have prepared for us, students throughout the school year. For one, there is a weekend event called “Yellow Jacket Weekend”, where the school is filled with school pride, carnival rides, free stuff, sports events, live music and more. There are also school performances, festivals, fundraisers, sport events and random things throughout the week to keep us students entertained and not drained with school. My experience so far has been the best I have ever had, and I am enjoying the diverse group of people I have met so far. Everybody is very genuine, smart, friendly and come from all parts of the world. Being a first generation students can be a bit difficult, but thanks to the support system I have either by family or the school itself, I feel anything is possible.