Well, cheers to another year of school! I have been back here in wonderful Charleston, SC at the College of Charleston for a month. This year has just started but I can already tell that it will be extremely busy!

This year I’ve dove full force into being involved in my school. Last Spring, I ran in elections to become the Treasurer of the Student Government Association and I won my election! So I have been having a lot of fun doing that. I also am the philanthropy chair of my fraternity this year, and I have a few ideas that I am really excited to implement and hopefully raise a lot of money for our national charity. There are other organizations that I am a part of in various capacities, but I won’t bore you with telling you about all of them! However, this year I do hope to interact with new clubs and do new things that will help me expand my understanding of my own culture.

My goal for this year (and what I encourage y’all to do to) is to try and get very involved… But don’t forget to balance your extracurriculars with your mandatory obligations. I love doing everything that I do but I often have to attempt to make sure that I am balancing everything out perfectly. I have to remind myself to take personal time especially! While y’all are beginning your collegiate journey or even finishing up your high school journey, you need to make sure that you are budgeting time for personal time, family time, fun time (outside of school) alongside time for homework, studying or practicing for the SAT.

Overall, I hope that everyone is really enjoying their first few weeks of school. If you have any questions please comment below! Thanks y’all and see you next month!