Being a first-generation college student is far from easy. There are many challenges and obstacles that many first-generation students, including me, had to overcome while being a college student. Even though being a first-generation college student can be challenging and difficult, I wanted to share some tips on how to achieve academic excellence and how to perform well while experiencing the challenges of being a college student.

To be able to be a successful and high-achieving student, academic excellence must be pursued by the student. To be more specific, academic excellence is referred to as the demonstrated ability to perform, achieve, and excel in academic activities. To describe the details to achieve great academic success throughout your college experience requires much attention. For example, some key factors that plays a key role in achieving academic excellence includes the following…

  1. Accepting responsibility

Accepting responsibility in school is very important when maintaining academic excellence. To achieve academic excellence, you have to able to accept responsibilities that contribute to your academic performance, such as homework assignments, attending class, attending office hours for extra help or tutoring sessions, and studying class material. Not accepting responsibility can greatly impact your academic performance and how well you do in school. Sometimes in school, the amount of responsibility can be very great. To help with the number of responsibilities, take time out to properly plan out activities and to manage your time. Also, do not be afraid to say no!

2. Disciplining yourself

At times in my college walk, I had to properly learn how to discipline myself. When I would plan out my schedule of certain tasks that I would need to do, I would often procrastinate or not follow the schedule. I will admit, sometimes I still struggle with this. However, I had to understand how to make certain tasks a priority to excel and achieve in my academics. I had to understand that to do well, I had to discipline myself and do tasks that needed done first to enjoy fun tasks or extracurricular activities later.

3. Managing your time

Being able to manage your time while in school is very important and is another key skill that is a major contributor to how well you will perform in school. Taking the time to not only plan and prioritize your tasks, but to also know how long it will take to complete each task will be a major help when achieving academic excellence in school. To help with prioritizing and managing your time, buying a planner and identifying what tasks needed to be completed first is a big key factor for mastering time management. Also, when managing your time, do not forgot to schedule time for yourself as well! Again, do not be afraid to say no to certain activities too!

4. Asking for help

To perform well in college, do not be afraid to ask for help! Communicate with your instructors on any topics that are not clear to you and never feel ashamed for asking for help! Remember that the professors are there to help you understand material and to help guide you along the academic process. Never feel afraid to ask for help or feel embarrassed! Asking for help when you need it will contribute to maintaining an excellent academic performance and will most certainly help you throughout your college journey!

5. Being present and prompt

 Being present and prompt for class or any activities in relation to school will also contribute to your academic performance. Being present and prompt for class will help you stay on track with the pace of the class and will help you stay aware on what is required class material such as homework assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects. Also, most professor will take note of your attendance and will put it in as a grade, so keep that in mind as well.

6. Doing your best

Most importantly, doing your best in school is one of the most important factors when achieving academic excellence. If you continue to do your best in school, you will eventually see great results and realize your full potential of being a student of academic excellence. Sometimes, the load of a college student may seem heavy at times, however, doing your best and putting forth your best effort will positively impact your academic journey as a college student. Also, remember that doing your best is all that you can do, so do not stress about things that are outside of your control!

7. Using supporting services

Throughout my college journey, I had to use many resources that have supported me as a first-generation college student. To be a student of academic excellence, it is important to utilize resources or supportive services, when necessary, in case you need them. These resources can greatly help your college journey by making things a little easier for you. Do not be afraid to take use of these resources. Remember that resources on campus are there to help you and support you throughout your academic walk, so that things can be easier for you and that have a better adjustment as your experience of being a first-gen student

8. Never giving up

By being a first-generation college student, there have been times when school was difficult and challenging. However, I want to encourage all the first-generation college students to not give up. Even though college is difficult, and it can be a challenge, understand the strengths that you possess as a college student. You were all made for moments such as this. You would have never been put in the position that you are in if you did not have what it takes to achieve greatness. If you keep pushing and keep moving, eventually you will see the reaps of your labor and all the seeds that you have sown during your college journey. So, do not give up and do not give in! Eventually, you will look back on everything that you have endured and realize that you did have what it takes to keep moving and to keep pushing, and that you have the capability to achieve success and excellence in college!

To conclude, to strive and achieve academic excellence during your college journey as a first-generation student requires much use of many different skills such as time management, using supportive services, being present and prompt, and discipling yourself. Most of these skills are necessary in order to perform well academically. As a first-generation student, understand that you have more than what it takes to achieve academic excellence and to become an amazing student throughout your college journey. Remember that though the journey of being a first-gen college student may be difficult, understand that you are fully equipped and ready for this opportunity to achieve great success and academic excellence throughout your college experience. You have what it takes to achieve academic excellence and go above and beyond academically as a college student!