As a first year, Spring Break was earlier than what I was used to. Also, it was harder to come back from Spring Break because it felt so short! So when classes started up again, I became overwhelmed quickly. I am getting back on my feet as I remember to take breaks and allow myself to be a work in progress.

Thus far, March has been a month for me. If you are currently struggling to find your way through March, you are not alone! In your last year of high school, the anticipation of receiving letters back from colleges, or just feeling bombarded with assignments can be a lot. March Madness is real and it’s not about sports as much as it is about all of the responsibilities we need to keep up with. (We do love sports, though!)

I encourage you to become aware of where you are at. What do you need during this time? Maybe it’s getting away from work for a second and going for a mindful walk. Maybe it’s catching up on sleep or taking inventory and seeing what is/isn’t benefiting you. Either way, check in with yourself.

You matter!