Hi guys, below is a video of the George Sherman Union, otherwise abbreviated GSU. The GSU is a great place for all sorts of things: it’s an outlet for student activism, the headquarters of student government, and the mainstream of clubs, organizations and fraternities. Not only is the GSU the hub of student services, but it is an all-around great place to eat, study, lounge and even sleep! My friend Anthony and I play pool all the time downstairs at BU Central, as you shall see later on. The GSU does not allow boredom! It is constantly holding and promoting new events! This coming Monday as a matter of fact, the GSU is holding the Rhett’s Challenge. Rhett’s is one of the food chains in union court, and it has a food challenge that consists of one triple bacon cheeseburger, one large root beer, a large order of curly fries and one eight scoop ice cream sundae!! And so on Monday, twelve worthy contestants will attempt to take on this challenge for the fastest time, and glory! (I’ll keep you guys posted on that one!) Anyways, so yes, the GSU is basically the campus living-room, and an overall amazing place to be as it offers a variety of activities to prevent students from boredom!