abigail-85I just got done with my math midterm. Phew.

This is the third one I’ve taken since I’ve arrived at Dartmouth but let me tell you, it doesn’t make it that much easier. In the last couple of weeks I’ve learned more about myself as a student than I ever did in high school. I used to be able to study the night before a test and still ace it. Now, I have to make sure I schedule time a few days ahead of time in order to get a good review of the material. Before I could take my time with a paper but now I have to start working on it right away. I don’t mean a full blown innovating thesis in one sitting but at least start jotting down ideas and seeing if I’ll be needing to do some research for it.

You may come into college with a fixed mindset of your study habits and may be hesitant to change them and that’s okay. But don’t let this prevent you from becoming a better student! Yes, you may not be able to go out everyday but it pays off! Be proactive not reactive with your education; you’ve already made a good choice in attending college, now it’s time to realize that it doesn’t end there. In order to achieve your long time goals you will need to work harder than you did in high school and be willing to adapt. In doing so, you may discover something about yourself you may have not otherwise!
