Getting my first college acceptance letter doesn’t exactly feel like it does in the movies anymore simply because you really get it in an email first. BUT, that doesn’t take away from the special moments you get from opening up the thick package in the mail filled with all of your next steps and a couple of free goodies. I made the decision to attend ISU because it truly had the best of both worlds. It was a big school with a small school feel which is what a lot of universities like to say but it’s different when you actually get to feel that on campus. ISU also had an amazing psychology program and a ton of opportunities to get involved on campus. Not to mention that since it was a public university the financial aid was very beneficial for my family and allowed me to get a college degree for a really great price. I applied to a good amount of different universities apart from ISU and I was blessed enough to get accepted into all of them but now as I look to pursuing graduate school, I am anxious to start the whole process over again and get those same butterflies I got opening emails. Overall, as I enter my Junior year of college I am forever thankful for all of the amazing memories I have had at ISU and getting to know professors on a more personal level, meeting a ton of new friends, and still being able to participate in a ton of different organizations that help grow me emotionally while still building up my academic career. Whenever you end up it will be the best time of your life from learning how to laundry yourself to late-night cookie runs.