Hi friends!!!
I originally made a video introducing myself to y’all- but I’m not with my computer right now and I’m too excited to wait (I’ll upload it later, I promise)!! For now, however, I guess you’ll just have to settle for an excessive amount of selfies and an overly-enthusiastic text post! Here we go:
My name is Lazarus Joe Valenzuela Jr. (most people call me LJ) and I’m going to be sharing my life with y’all for the four years!! I’m a first-generation student attending Occidental College in Eagle Rock, California (Obama went here) (Also Ben Affleck)(Also Emily Osment).
It’s only week 3 for me, but I’d say it’s a pretty rad place so far! I mean it’s definitely challenging, and there’s been a lot of ups and downs, but I’m having a great time and I’m not dead yet – so I’d say the first month has been a success.
With that being said, I have a couple of pictures that I’d like to share with y’all so you can get the idea of what this first month has been like for me.
Here we go:
This is a pic I took with a guy that I met who has the same last name as me (You can’t tell in this pic, but he also has a stripe in his hair… #SeparatedAtBirth #Probably #SomeoneCallOprah)
Here is a picture I took with my entire CSP class on our first day (My professor thought it was weird that I asked for a picture… #OhWell #HeStillGotInItTho)
This is a picture of my friends and I studying at the green bean (our on-campus coffee shop, which I am now boycotting because they didn’t hire me as a barista)
And lastly, here is a picture of what I’m going to do to my roommate i he doesn’t stop posting pictures of me sleeping on his snapchat 🙂
I’ll keep you all posted on how roommate struggles unfold – lol.. But in the meanwhile, I really look forward to getting to know y’all! Feel free to comment on this post to get a hold of me.
Or follow me on Twitter @lazjv or Instagram @thestripe_ and talk to me there!!!
Can’t wait to hear from you!!
Talk to you soon!!