It is about that time for midterms! We all know and can attest to the fact that midterms can be overwhelming and stressful. It is crucially important as a college student or anyone in some sort of education setting to be able to know how to study and to study effectively. Let’s be honest, you and I do not want to waste anymore time, money, or exhaust extra resources when we don’t have to. Personally, I have had quite many challenges when it came to preparing for an exam for any of my courses. How I want to encourage those reading on how to be better prepared during midterm and final seasons in your college years! I want you to note that these study tips are highly advised from personal experiences and will not [all] be applicable to you; however, do try them out and see what works for you!

  1. Read through the required content!
    – Skim and capture the main ideas in the content.
  2. Memorization is not the way to go!
    – You want the material to stick and not just go away immediately!
  3. Sometimes concepts are continuous!
    – Concepts can vary and not be black and white. Each concept and subject will and could continue to build upon each other.
  4. Apply, apply, apply!
    – This is so critical! Apply concepts to real-world situations!
  5. Chunking!
    – Break the reading and/or concept into smaller sections and then formulate them into more meaningful units.
  6. Write it down!
    – Simply writing it down can allow familiarity and be retained in your brain!
  7. Mood check!
    – Try not to study when you’re hungry, sad, mad, etc, because you won’t be entirely as focused as you should be.
  8. Mnemonic devices!
    – Associate the concept with something you are familiar with!
  9. Teach!
    – Go to someone you know and teach them what you’ve studied and have them check you!
  10. Brain break and test yourself!
    – Do something else and come back!