by Raquel Diaz, Reed College, '20
It’s the season of packing bags and goodbyes. I simultaneously look forward to being uprooted to a new yet familiar place, that of my college, but also dread the inherent feelings of departure and loneliness one feels as one crosses the airport terminal. Where I am by...
by Rolando Perez, Pitzer College, '19
Hey reader, hope you’ve had a nice, relaxing summer so far. So, let’s talk about move in day. Now I like to think my parents raised a truthful boy… so I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that it’s a smooth process. It’s AWKWARD. No like, REALLY AWKWARD. Move in...
by Benjamin Hoertnagl-Pereira, Johns Hopkins University , '18
So you’ve survived life on campus, and now you’re ready to set up camp in your own apartment, outside of the quads which will be swarming with underclassmen in the coming year. You have done some research, found a nice place that is most likely half the price of what...
by Benjamin Hoertnagl-Pereira, Johns Hopkins University , '18
Looking back on how I have come to where I am now, I notice there have been a few very clear moments that defined my experience, either as a student, musician, or person – sometimes a combination. Thinking about these moments, I usually feel nostalgic and wish I could...
by Adriana Gonzalez, Pomona College
The end of sophomore year came like a sigh of relief in the middle of a series of exasperated gasps. I declared my major and immersed myself fully into my academics. I developed relationships with my professors. I became a “leader” in my favorite on-campus...
by Dallas Simms, The University of Virginia , '17
It’s probably just some phony call about winning a fake trip to Florida. I’ll let it go to voicemail. I hit play to half-listen to what I thought would be a robot speaking. Oh how wrong I was…Turns out, the voicemail was to inform me that my apartment’s water heater...