Mentors – Priceless Relationships

Have you ever had the pleasure to meet extraordinary people? People who are not only concerned about their lives, but also care about helping others? If you haven’t, let me tell you! They are the best people to meet. I had the pleasure to meet, in my opinion,...

My Experience with Final Exams

Howdy, If you are someone who is worried about the about the academic rigor in college, I can tell you first hand this feeling is one that is shared among every other college student. This is now the start of my second year in college as a first generation student,...

How to cope with stresses in life?

Hi guys! How are you? I hope you’re doing well. If not, I hope you feel better after you read this. I just wanted to share with you a couple of suggestions to cope with life stresses. As high school or college students, we not only have academics going on, but...

Be Thankful

Thanksgiving is here and there are a lot of things I am thankful for. This is my last year of college and its really starting to hit me that I am graduating soon. It is really hard to believe that soon I’ll be out in the real world trying to find a job. I am mainly...

Más bonita

“Calladita se ve más bonita” “You look prettier when you’re quiet” I feel afraid sometimes and I can’t sleep at night. There are so many sentences I’d like spit out of my mouth so that they can become a sonic investment in this world of all the...

Things to think about after Thanksgiving Break

At this point in time you have gone through a good portion of the school semester. As you head into this thanksgiving break, I would like to remind you of a few things that you might want to consider during this break and after the break. Use this break to re energize...