by Raquel Diaz, Reed College, '20
On an unexceptional summer day, one of those days that feels like it could have been yesterday, or the day before that, who knows- I reached over to my bookshelf and pulled out my high school yearbook. Names I forgot existed flooded my brain with memories I had...
by Raquel Diaz, Reed College, '20
Say one is holding a college brochure- what sections of the brochure are most likely to grab and maintain one’s attention? It could be the Alumni section, for ambitious types striving to bump shoulders with the shakers and movers of the country. Maybe the brochure is...
by Santiago Montoya, Brandeis University , '19
I have managed to pack everything into four boxes, type the last pages of my essay, correct and alphabetize the bibliography, send it to the professor, stuff in the remaining items into my suitcase, lock the door of, what is going to be someone else’s room, put the...
by Padah Vang, Colorado College, '19
During Colorado College’s Admitted Student Open House, an admitted student who I was playing ping pong with asked me, “If you don’t make friends during your first week of college, are you doomed?” I looked confusedly at her and thought to myself why would you be...
by Benjamin Hoertnagl-Pereira, Johns Hopkins University , '18
The years of my childhood were shaped by the experience of watching my parents work. Both came to America as young adults, my father from Portugal and my mother from Austria. Here, with tenacity, grit, and humility, they built a life for themselves and for our family....
by Adriana Gonzalez, Pomona College
More than halfway through my study abroad experience in Brazil and the lessons I have learned up until now are too plentiful to recount. I feel as though I arrived at the airport just last week, although the fact that I recognize street signs and know how to speak...