Spring Semester Registration

It’s that time of the year again, course registration. This is when the hustle and bustle begins. Meetings with advisers and talking with friends trying to figure out which classes will be enjoyable and what you need. I have a bit of a unique situation with the...

Study, Study, Study

I cannot believe that we are more than halfway done with the Fall semester! Here in Geneva the leaves are changing and giving us beautiful fall foliage to admire. In this post, I want to talk about my favorite spots to study on and off campus. In an earlier post I...

Self-Care: Am I Allowed to say I Love Myself?

Content Warning: Strong feelings of sadness and inadequacy, needing to go to therapy Ever since arriving to college, I have been hearing a lot about wellness. My adviser for Emerging Leaders emphasizes that “being present” helps you be “your full authentic self.” My...

Completing College Applications is only just the Beginning

Once I completed my college applications, I celebrated. I spent the entire Winter Break my senior year of high school on drafting essays, responses and catchphrases to the quirkier questions of the Common App. I knew it was a matter of waiting until I received my...

Personal Statements – What a Journey!

The Winter Break between Fall and Spring semesters of your senior year in high school is an incredible time. When I was a high school senior, some of my classmates flew to Jamaica, others to the Philippines and still others to Columbia to visit their relatives. Some...

Post-College Plans Should Not Take Over your Senior Year

Readjusting back to campus can be difficult after coming back from abroad, especially because we are facing almost the reality of life. Real life is coming sooner or later and the thought of it may make us anxious and apprehensive, but know that things always do work...