by Padah Vang, Colorado College, '19
Every winter when I come back home, I look through my old collections of letters, gifts, projects, art, and any miscellaneous item. I look through them (1) to throw some things away because I bring new things back; (2) to remind me where I come from, how far I have...
by Harley Suter, Georgian Court University
Around this time of year we take time and really think about what in our lives we are thankful for. Many people say their family, that they have a roof over their head or food in their stomach, but I think I’m most grateful for having the opportunity to further my...
by Anitra Griffin, University of North Carolina Ashville, '21
I had never thought that I would have a rough semester, but we all do. Shockingly, I am okay with having a rough semester, but that is primarily because of the great support system I have made here in college. From the first day of the first semester I started...
by Alexa Yanar, Emory University
I applied for college around three years ago, in 2016. Looking back, the thing that sticks out the most to me is what I desperately wish I had done during my last years in high school. I honestly believe that more than half the battle goes into researching colleges...
by Padah Vang, Colorado College, '19
The sad truth is that I cannot always be there for my friends and families 100% of their time. It is true that I am one phone call away or simply right next door, but I may not always be available. I might just be napping, at work, in meetings, or away from my phone....