by Rosemary Tovar, Lycoming College, '23
We’ve got to be honest here; we all dread taking finals and we think they are the worst. I’m the number one supporter of that statement, but I also can’t wait to get over with finals especially when I’m close to going home. I live on campus at...
by Joudenie Germain, Colgate University, '24
It is the dreaded finals season. A time where you gear up, power through long, heavy study sessions, and hope it will be over soon in order to enjoy a much needed restful break. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel; this is when motivation and perseverance...
by Sebastian Mendoza-Gomez, University of Richmond, '25
Building a strong support system is not something I consider to have been a priority of mine, at least within the past 5 years. I think it’s a pretty common theme within Latin families that you are expected to carry your own weight and take care of your own...
by Amanda Hill, Alvernia University, '24
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! With being a commuter I am usually already at home, but to see all my friends get to travel home for a nice break was great to see. Usually, for Thanksgiving, my family gets together at my oldest brother’s house, but this...
by Amanda Hill, Alvernia University, '24
Since November has passed in a flash, I find myself looking back at what I was grateful for during that time of thankfulness and community. I definitely had a rough start to college last year. I had no clue what to expect, both from my professors and the workload to...
by Eyzel Torres, University of Illinois Chicago, '22
I am very grateful for many people in my life so far as I have journeyed through higher education and my own personal life. First off, my family has been my number one support system going all the way back to high school but especially since I started college. My...