California Dreaming

One afternoon during the summer before I began college, a group of friends and I decided to hitchhike our way to Los Angeles. I spent two weeks on the beach, read books that were on my To-Do list for the longest time, ate at almost thirty taco stands, and laughed more...

Summer Bumming

The sad thing about finishing a school year? Saying bye to all your friends that are going abroad. And then wondering why you aren’t. Oh yeah, thats riiight! Mom was scared I was going to get dangerously ill because she heard from her friend’s...

Catching Up…

Grrr… Bad news. Everytime I try doing a video blog … things go wrong. I’m talking laptop-basically-blowing-up-in-my-face wrong. So here’s a quick update and I promise to get a video in. Since the end of finals, things have been amazing. I finally got some sleep and...

Coming Full Circle

In high school (and most high schools across the nation), the academic calendar is organized around the semester system, that is, two big blocks of instruction time that usually run sixteen weeks. Twelve years of this almost made me forget that winter existed; my...

Reality Check

“But if I work full-time and cut down on my living expenses I can afford it, right?” As she pleads for me to understand all I do is shake my head and mouth the words “NO!” To give you some background I have a friend, for this post I will call her Ashley, who has set...

The Way Time Flies

As my semester is coming to an end there are a few things floating around in my mind. In just a few short months I will be starting my senior year. I can’t believe how quickly it has snuck up on me. I feel as if I started college last week. High school felt like...