I think a balance between one’s academic and social life can feel like the most impossible thing to accomplish. I still struggle with that task daily, but the importance of self-care is a skill that is important for the entirety of one’s life, not just in college.

Personally, I enjoy working out a few times a week and at times throughout the semester, I’ve found this to be an impossible task to complete. However, when you mentally feel so overwhelmed that you think you can’t take out a single hour of your day to do something that you enjoy, that is when you really need a break. Also, a break doesn’t have to be long to be effective. One thing that took me a while to learn is that if you’re still thinking about work while trying to take a break, then you really haven’t taken a break.

I believe that disconnecting from one’s responsibilities, even if momentarily, is a great way to minimize one’s mental stress. So, take a walk or give yourself five minutes of leisurely activity before diving into a long study session.

Of course, there’s a line between taking a break and procrastinating. Personally, I determine the difference between these two by thinking about the intentions I have between my actions. Taking a ten minute walk? Well, I just want exercise and fresh air. Scrolling on social media for an hour? I know I’m still thinking about all the work I need to do, and purposefully avoiding it. So, take breaks but stay accountable.

How often do you take breaks when studying?