As you know, for students who don’t have a family history of higher education, being among the first in your family to attend and complete college requires inspiration, information, and support sometimes not found at home, school, or in the community. Center for Student Opportunity’s I’m First project is building an online community to provide that support. With the New Year in full effect, we’d like to show you, your staff, and your students how to navigate our online community and resources. On January 27th, we hosted a live web demo of the I’m First online community and college search tool. Be sure to watch the archived Hangout to learn how to:

  • Share your first-gen story by creating a YouTube video to inspire and offer advice to the next generation of students who will be first
  • Sign up and create a student profile
  • Follow a checklist and receive tips, to dos, and reminders for all four years of high school
  • Research and connect with colleges and universities that are committed to serving first-generation students
  • Attend live Google+ Hangouts on various important topics throughout the year
  • Ask questions and received answers from your peers, I’m First staff and College Partners in Q&A
  • Explore the student blog, where 34 current first-generation college students chronicle their college experiences and offer advice