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Being Back on Campus

College is not easy.  This is more a statement of fact than opinion. And spending the past year and a half–if you count that awkward moment when we were told to pack up our belongings and leave school to finish the semester at home–on Zoom University...

What I am Excited/Anxious About This Semester

Hello everyone, I am glad to be blogging again for my last academic school year here at Virginia Commonwealth University. In less than a year I will be a college graduate, which is shocking to think about. People are not lying when they say college flies by. Out of...

Finding the Best Fit

Selecting the colleges to apply to is never an easy task and always instills feelings of anxiety and doubt. The decision involves a careful evaluation of various ingredients: test scores, GPA, financial aid, majors and minors offered, etc. We are focused on the...

Lowell, I’m Home!

Home. Never did I ever think that I would  attribute the word “home” to my university. For the past months, I have been doing virtual school at my actual home. But now, I am back doing in-person courses at my second home: the University of...