by Raquel Diaz, Reed College, '20
I haven’t visited a Flame Broiler since last year, around this time when the emails seniors receive are groundbreaking seals of fate. (At least, that’s how they felt.) It was afterschool during the warm spring days of southern California, when I sat eating with what...
by Gabriel Reyes, Brown University , '17
“We learn most from our failures.” “Failure is an opportunity for learning and growth.” “It’s not a matter of how many times we fall but how we get ourselves back up.” Ah, failure—it’s a universal word every college-bound student is all too familiar with, but I would...
by Dave Lacroix, Dartmouth College , '19
Hey there, My name is Dave Lacroix and I have just completed my freshman year at Dartmouth College. I am majoring in Engineering and will most likely concentrate in either mechanical or electrical engineering. This past summer, I interned at the Leonard Davis...
by Luis Espino, Pitzer College, '17
I came to college around a time when I felt I needed my own space. I wanted space in the sense of physical space (after living in the living room at home for most of my life, a room to make my own sounded pretty fantastic) and space to myself, space to learn more...