by Abraham Vicuna, University of Houston
Hi there High school friends, If you’re an undocumented first generation student, like me, you might be going through some of the same things I experienced. My journey to get to college was not the traditional one. In some ways I went through similar experiences...
by Alexa Rodriguez, Wellesley College , '17
The phrase “Holiday Season” always conjures up warm fuzzy feelings and it’s for different reasons in each person. For the young ones, it’s the impending promise of presents that proves to be the most exciting. For others it’s the food. For me it’s about seeing my...
by Santiago Montoya, Brandeis University , '19
HERE we go again. Remember last time how I felt like I had too much on my plate? Well, I have decided that one of my goals for the upcoming semester is to have more fun. In fact, I have been forced to miss out time with my friends and people who I want to share some...
by Carlton Hassell, George Mason University , '16
Hey everyone, So I decided to interview fellow college and first generation college students to find out what they wish they would have known when they were applying to colleges. Hopefully you learn something new and take these tips in consideration during your...
by Brenda Angulo, Trinity Washington University , '17
As a junior in college, I guess the workload does not feel as heavy as it did once before. This does not mean the workload is not a lot, it just means that I am now able to manage. It is worth noting that over my summer break, I realized how meaningful the people...