It’ll Be Over Before You Know It

The past three years have flown by faster than I could have ever imagined! I remember talking to upperclassmen when I first arrived to campus that were on their way out saying things like “Enjoy your time here, it goes by quickly!” or “Don’t blink or you’ll miss it!”...

Keep Calm and Sophomore On

Sophomore year, boy is that good to hear. A year under my belt, and I now feel like I’m on top of the world. A whole school year down can make a first generation student feel accomplished, hard-working and most of all capable of doing anything. Freshman year was...

Honeymoon Period

After a full year of agonizing over STEM classes that I wanted to convince myself I liked, I decided to make a change and be involved in things that I actually care about, and that have some sort of significance in my life. Having grown up as a part-time translator...

What to expect by day 30 of college

Greetings, Since we last spoke, you got the opportunity to get to know me better. Now that I have gone through the first 30 days of college, I wanted to share some useful time management skills with you. My perspective if from a full time student in college living at...

Let me be real with you

When I was in high school I thought that it was going to be the best time of my life. I thought I was ready to be an adult. Ha, nope. Little by little I started understanding what being an adult in college really is. It’s filling out tax forms, and financial aid...