Sophomore year, boy is that good to hear. A year under my belt, and I now feel like I’m on top of the world. A whole school year down can make a first generation student feel accomplished, hard-working and most of all capable of doing anything. Freshman year was a year to make mistakes and learn from them. However, your second year is about applying your new skills you’ve attained from your mistakes and setting goals for yourself. This school year so far, I’ve taken into account many aspects that can help me succeed academically and socially. Academically, I’ve gathered what study habits/areas work best for me, as well as have organized my time better in regards to the clubs I am involved in. Socially, I have found the clubs/organizations that best fits my personality and overall makes me feel at home. I have found my safe haven, and have discovered many ways I can better my performance in school. It is not always good to over stress yourself, rather to take some relaxation time as well. College is about personal growth, building stronger relationships and getting to understand yourself a bit more. I’ve experienced my first year, a lot of bumps, but without those bumps, I wouldn’t have found my way to where I need to be. One thing for sure that I recommend all college students to do, especially freshmen, is to: go for it. It’s simple but hard. Go for that executive position, go for that A in general chemistry, go and eat that cheesecake. Yet, last but not least, go and make your college experience memorable.