by Irvin Gomez, Dartmouth College , '13
I am in Boston right now, interning at East Boston High School, helping a group of four students through their junior year and helping them get on the college path. For the first time in my life, I have the freedom to take ideas and implement them in any way that I...
by Abigail Macias, Dartmouth College
After talking to Cara today, I had to take a moment and look back at the bio I first submitted to her almost two years ago, and I must say it definitely gave me a good laugh. I’m still attending Dartmouth College but I am nowhere near being a double major. I took...
by Lysa Vola, Williams College, '14
Hi Everyone, Fellow CSO blogger Long Dang and I got together this past weekend, to give you our version of a Williams College Campus Tour! Of course we honored CSO in our matching “I’m First” t-shirts. Many people asked us what these shirts meant...
by Nahomi Velasquez, Boston University, '15
Hi everyone it’s hard to believe that my first year of college is nearly done!! I apologize for the late blog; things have just been quite hectic lately! Originally I intended to do a video blog for this blog in particular but I have laryngitis (ahhhhh – of...